Friday, January 20, 2006

Time Travel Via Power Surge

Yesterday turned out to be a very strange day. Mid morning our power went crazy. Fortunately I was able to get the computer shut down and unplugged. Then we heard a big "POP!" Daniel was standing here, near the desk, trying to determine what it could've been when I noticed huge clouds of smoke billowing out from the TV! Oh! No! Daniel unplugged it and we figured it was toast. The light in the living room was gone, as was the light in the bathroom and, of course we had no power for the computer. The light in the kitchen was fading in and out. We unplugged the coffee maker to ensure it wouldn't get fried the same way the TV did.

I was ticked! Told Daniel that was the last straw! We were moving out! Went outside to calm down a bit, returned and started packing. While I was busy packing Daniel was scurrying around, desperately trying to fix the power problem. About 3 hours later he restored power to the living room. He then started in on the bathroom. Managed to rig up another light in there.

He went out to the shop and grabbed the old black and white TV. He brought that in and set it up. We found 3 stations on that. The kids were now experiencing culture shock. "I don't like that TV!" "It's too little!" Clifford will look tiny!" "It's not color!" "I want color!" Then there was the lack of a remote. No more sitting back, pushing a button to turn it on and pushing more buttons to change the channel. What a strange object! I found myself cringing as I listened to Daniel whizzing through the channels. "Stop that! You're going to strip it!" Oh my, I sounded just like my Father so many years ago! Not only that, but I now knew exactly how he felt when he uttered that phrase! LOL

Dad, I'm really really sorry! I now understand!

It was now obvious we were not going to move out. I would have to unpack everything I had packed. The kids were extremely disappointed. Daniel tried to explain to them that he was not willing to pay $50 a night just so they could watch big color TV. They were miffed!

Later, Daniel took the TV out to the shop. On a whim he decided to plug it in, just to see what might happen. It came on! No smoke! He brought it back in, unplugged the trusty B&W, plugged in the big color set the kids are so fond of and gave it a try. It worked! Actually, it seems to work better than before!

Time travel over. The kids are still disappointed we didn't get to go to a motel where they could get Disney channel and Animal Planet but, at least Clifford is big and red again :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Kitty Sit-in

A couple days ago the power company paid us a visit. They'd been wanting to clear the easement for several years and, evidently it had occured to them that the former residents were no longer here so, perhaps, we might allow the needed work. Indeed! Less power problems! Go for it!
They wandered around, climbing under and over the brush, determining what needed to go away and they discussed, with Daniel and our neighbor what they might do with the resulting refuse. We could use a bit of fill in the general area so they brought their chipper and we benefitted from that :)
In the meantime, they removed a bit of the brush and placed some pretty(?) pink ribbons around some of the focus points, including a tree that, evidently the kittens are quite fond of. Upon the placement of that particular pink ribbon all 4 kittens scrambled up the tree and huddled in it's branches. They did not leave their perch until those noisy people left!
The workers returned yesterday with reinforcements, bringing with them two trucks, a couple chain saws and one very noisy chipper. They were here most of the day. When they left a few trees were gone (but only one truly visible) and a lot of branches and brush. I'm sure the kitty's were off, somewhere, high fiving each other over their victory. The brush and saplings surrounding their tree was gone but, surely due to their brave protest, the tree was still standing!
I gotta say, they are most certainly the cutest protesters I've ever seen!


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The kids resurrected their old Hungry Hungry Hippo's game today.
Need I say more?

Not Tonight....

Monday, January 16, 2006

It seems as though my readership has increased a bit, therefore I thought it might be a good idea to add a little something new to read :)
Our evening schedule consists of us letting the kids know it's time to get their things picked up and change into their jammies, usually right around 7:30. After that they brush their teeth and head to bed.
Last night,as usual we reminded them. They immediately set to picking up but, before Nathan continued to change he informed us that he had a headache. Hmmm. Okay, he'd been reading for quite awhile, maybe his eyes were tired. He went ahead and changed then we reminded him it was time to brush his teeth. His eyes got big, "But, I have a headache!" Okay. Not seeing the connection here. What does that have to do with brushing your teeth? He then went on to explain, He doesn't like the taste of the toothpaste. If he were to brush his teeth while he had a headache it might make him sick! Uh huh! Nathan, go brush your teeth!
Oddly, his headache somehow magically disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, shortly after he finished brushing and flossing.
Think on our next trip to town we'll see what they have along the line of good tasting, child friendly toothpaste. Perhaps then our son won't be bothered so with those occasional pesky evening headaches?

Archives #11..Peter Pan Syndrome

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Peter Pan Syndrome?
Daniel's been entertaining the kids with his antics today. I heard them squeeling and giggling earlier. Thought it might be a good idea to go see what was going on. I was right. There was my 55 yr. old husband, half way (well, maybe more like 1/3 of the way, but, it's a big tree!) up the fir tree cutting branches. Seems he had decided we needed a better view of the tree covered hills in the distance.
"Daniel, come down now."
"Just one more?"
"Daniel, that's enough. Come down now."
Geez! He's worse than the kids!
He says it was "only 5 feet up in the air." Let's see now. I'm 5'3 and I was looking up at him. Does that sound like he was "only five feet up in the air"? *sigh* Men!
I guess, I do have to admit, it is a nice view....

Archives #10..Autumn Romance

Sunday, October 23, 2005
On The Wild Side - Autumn Romance
A couple days ago Nathan and I had the fortune to witness romance in the wild. Nathan was happily and purposely scouting the yard, net in hand, poised for action should a flying bug cross his vision. All of a sudden he shouted out in excitement. "Two Dragonfies!" Oh boy. A bonus awaiting his capture! I responded by raising my voice, so as to be heard over the rushing sound certain to be invading his brainwaves. "Nathan! No! Wait!" I was only mildly surprised when he obeyed my command and stopped, gazing at me with a confused expression. He didn't have to say anything. I could see it written all over his face, plain as day..."But, Mom! Why?" I smiled and pointed in the direction I'd seen the dragonflies take, "Lets go look!"
We both rushed over and saw a marvelous sight! There, on the ground before us were not two, but three dragonflies, seemingly in a wrestling match. It seemed rather unfair as there were two on top with one struggling underneath. As we watched, and listened to the wrestling, the buzzing, one of the top two suddenly just gave up, flying off in one direction. The remaining two hesitated but a second before flying off in another direction, fastened securely together, one directly above the other.
Nathan thought all this quite interesting, although he wasn't sure the interesting aspect overrode the bonus capture he had just missed. Once I explained they were making more dragonflies, he rethought that. Oh good! More dragonflies to capture!
I was thinking more along the lines of more drgaonflies to grace our presence as they worked to rid us of less desireable bugs but, I guess, maybe my mind works a bit differently than that of an eight year old boy.

Archives #9 Canning

Monday, October 03, 2005
Canning For Dummies
Perhaps a better title would be how not to can! lol Another weekend adventure at our house...
I decided since, after 3 years of trying I finally managed to grow zucchini, that it would be a good time to make an old favorite of mine, zucchini relish! Daniel and the kids went out and picked the zucchini,. I washed said zucchini and the kids watched as I cut it into smaller portions and fed them into the processor.That was oodles of fun! It was amazing seeing how quickly I could feed the chunks through the chute and, almost instantly they would emerge out the other end, neatly stacked shreds in the bowl. 1 very large zucchini yielded exactly 10 cups of shredded! The kids were rather disappointed once that was done and we had it and the onion salted and stored in the big bowl to rest til the next day. They wanted me to play with the processor some more!
The next day we got everything ready and started measuring and chopping the remaining ingredients. Again, the kids were disappointed that I wasn't going to use the processor. It seemed rather pointless for chopping two bell peppers.
Got everything cooked up and it was time to remove the jars from the hot water and fill them. That proved to be a bit tricky. Hmmm. Maybe I should've invested in a pair of tongs? Oh well. Somehow I managed. One jar at a time, removed from hot water, nestled in a hot pad and filled via a ladle. Hot relish spilling on my hand. Not a pleasant experience! Maybe a funnel would've been a handy thing to have? Rims wiped clean, lids and rims affixed. On to the next jar and the next. More burned fingers. Laughter from my children, Daniel shaking his head in disbelief... Somehow managed to get all the filled jars back in the canner and processed for the required 10 minutes. Now what? How do I get them out of there? Daniel to the rescue! Good thing his hands handle heat better than mine do! Think I'll add a jar lifter to the list. :o)
A few minutes later and we listened as the lids all popped one by one. What a satisfying sound!
Maybe next weekend will be less eventful. But then, what would be the fun in that?

Archives #8 September

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Candy Making 101
Oddly enough my previous posting originally began as a recounting of our weekend family project. I have no idea how it morphed into its current form but there you are! LOL Following is what I originally intended to post on Monday...
We made peanut butter bon bons this weekend! What a fun time it was! I did most of the measuring and the kids took turns dumping all the ingredients in the bowl. After that the three of us attempted to mix it all up. First Nathan gave it a try. He cut the margarine in and started folding, scooping from underneath, up to the top, squishing it down. His arm wore out real fast. Lindsay gave it a try. Her arm wore out even faster! I decided to give it a try. I may have lasted as long as Nathan did.

Obviously this was not going to work! I decided maybe it was time to try out my new food processor so headed over to get it together. I finished with that, turned around and saw Daniel standing over the bowl with the wooden spoon sporting a rather self satisfied grin. He'd done a wonderful job of mixing it all up!

Great! Now it was a family project! The kids dumped the cereal in and I mixed that up before we all proceeded
to turn it all into a multitude of 1" balls. Once that was finished I melted the chocolate and set the kids up with toothpicks to do the dipping. It only took a couple minutes of watching them attempt to coat the balls and pull them out, only to have them slip off the toothpick and fall apart during attempts to respear them to realize that wasn't going to work out so I took over the dipping, placing the chocolate coated confections on parchment paper. This is when Nathan had a brilliant idea! He thought it might be fun to decorate the candies with sprinkles! So, he and Lindsay took turns giving each freshly dipped candy a liberal dose of colorful sprinkles. They looked great! Just like downtown! They taste really good too! Kinda like krispy "Reese's" peanut butter cups!
The recipe we used was a combined version of 3 different recipe's I found:
Peanut Butter Bon Bons
18 oz. peanut butter
1/2 cup softened butter (we used nucoa margarine due to dairy issues)
4 cups powdered sugar
3 cups rice krispies cereal
12 oz. chocolate chips
2 Tbsp. shortening
Blend first three ingredients well then mix in the cereal. Form into 1" balls. Melt the chocolate chips (we used semi sweet) and the shortening on low in the microwave. Stir to smooth. Using toothpicks Dip the balls in the chocolate mixture, coating completely. Allow excess to drip off, and place coated balls on wax paper lined cookie sheet. Immediately sprinkle with colored sprinkles if desired. Once the chocolate had set a bit we carefully stacked them between sheets of wax paper and placed in the refrigerator to finish setting. We're keeping them stored in the fridge due to the margarine content and to keep them out of sight (and somewhat out of mind).
Warning! This is a great family project but, if you're anything like us you can count on a gooey chocolatey mess! Chocolate chocolate everywhere! And somehow I seemed to be the messiest of all...

Monday, September 26, 2005
Summer Is Gone
The weather is starting to change. Autumn is making her presence known. The sun still warms us during the day but it's not quite so intense as a month ago and it's ray's are appreciated now, more than before. The daylight hours are waning. As I step outside in the morning, to breath in the cool crisp air I'm not greeted by the sights and sounds I've become accustomed to since Spring made her debut. The leaves on the apple tree are beginning to transform into beautiful mini palette's of color and, one by one are fluttering to the ground.The bird calls I hear are different than they were a few weeks ago, and not so numerous. The hummingbirds no longer visit, moving on to their winter homes. The bright yellow Western Tanengier no longer sings his song and the Robin , like her cousin's, has moved on to warmer zones. The squirrel's, so vocal just a month ago, aren't chattering as they scurry about so often. They're too busy gathering fodder.
The wildflower's with their brilliant hues have nodded their heads and faded. The clover, sweet smelling, red and white has dried into shades of brown and with it, the deer, magnificent in their strength and beauty have ceased to grace our yard with their presence. Things are quieter now. When I hear rustling in the bushes, I no longer wonder what wild creature it may be. There's an added crispness to the rustling leaves as a cat darts out from under it's cover.
The spiders have been busy spinning their webs. Beautiful to behold and awesome to consider how this seemingly lowly creature could construct such a complicated work of art. I've let them know their artwork is appreciated so long as the keep them out of the house and well removed from the doorways and my most oft used pathways. They don't always heed my warnings but, for the most part we manage to coexist.
The dragonfly's are becoming more prevalent. Their beauty and their skill most appreciated. What amazing creatures they are! I wonder at their longevity, the history they've witnessed, the changes they have ushered in.
Summer is gone. The frost will soon be upon us. Time to bring the garden's bounty in and busy ourselves in the kitchen, the new season's hub of family activity.

Archives #7 Lindsay and the Dentist

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Dentist's...They're Not What They Used To Be!
As my last entry indicated, I went to the Dentist last week. It's taking a while for my mouth to recover but the actual procedure was amazingly pain free. The only stress was from my preconcieved notions.
It was thanks to my 6 yr. old daughter that I finally got up the nerve to schedule a long overdue appointment for myself. She's had several visits to the dentist these last few months. Yesterday was her last appointment with the exception of her regular 6 month appointments in the future. She is so very fond of her dentist and, it seems the feeling is mutual
I'm sure everyone, in one way or another. is well aware of the planning a young woman does, picking out just the right outfit, making sure the makeup is applied just so, choosing the right hairdo, changing her mind on at least one aspect of her chosen appearance at least once for a special date.....Starting early Saturday, Lindsay informed me that she was going to wear a dress to the dentist. By Sunday morning she had decided what dress she was going to wear. By Sunday evening she had changed her mind, deciding on another dress. Monday, she couldn't decided which dress. Tuesday morning she finally decided, although it really was a tough choice. She then went through her drawer and chose just the right pair of panties! Then the socks. Of course they had to be pink socks, but was it to be the light pink or the dark pink socks? After much thought she decided it was to be the light pink socks, because they went the best with her dress. Okay. Got her all dressed, she chose a bracelet to complete her perfect look. 2 hours early and she was anxiously watching the clock. About a half hour later we discovered a problem. She had lost one of her buttons! Oh dear. We searched high and low to no avail. Finally convinced her the dentist would like the other dress just as much. Fortunately, it contained the same hue of pink so we didn't have to change her socks or her bracelet! Got her all changed and she decided she needed her hair to be fixed a special way. Okay. Got her hair all fixed just right. She was beautiful!
It was now noon. We really didn't need to leave til between 1:05 and 1:10. Lindsay was watching the clock again, "Only 1 hour!" Of course we all needed to rush to get ready. We could not, under any circumstances be late for this most important appointment! We were going to her favorite place to see her favorite person! We must not be late! Okay, okay. I'll go get changed. She was rushing everyone! We ended up leaving at 1:00 and got to the dentist's office a full 10 minutes early.
Lindsay had spent the weekend working on a special picture for her dentist. It was a picture of him (with very prominent hands!) and her (with big blue eyes) having a picnic on a sunny day. During our 10 minute wait (our dentist is very prompt) she showed her picture to everyone, the receptionist, the assistants, other patients in the waiting room...Everyone assured her it was a very nice picture.
Finally! The moment had arrived! The assistant came out and called her name! Clutching her picture tightly and smiling brightly she followed the assistant to the room. A couple minutes later her beloved dentist arrived. She proudly presented her picture to him. He was most impressed and pleased!
Throughout her visit, with her mouth wide open as she was getting her fillings, she managed to have us all giggling along with her, as usual, and her dentist shaking his head in amazement, telling her what a "trooper" she is and what a great kid she is and telling me how lucky I was to have such a great kid and metioning she must have gotten her bravery from her Dad...Hey! I tried! LOL Yeah, no doubt about it, she doesn't get her bravery from me! At one point she gazed up at him and said, "I like you!" The smile on his face was priceless! He thanked her, told her how much that meant to him and told her he liked her too!
Once he was finished with her I could tell he was most anxious to have a little chat with her. He told her how she was his most favorite patient of all and, he told her, since this would be their last visit for awhile he had something special for her. He also had a little something for her Brother so he wouldn't feel left out. He had, during their prior visit's, inquired as to her favorite thing. Of course that was "Clifford, the Big Red Dog". He had gone out in search of Clifford items. He had filled a gift bag (pink) with 2 Clifford coloring books and a Clifford book. He wasn't able to find any more Clifford items so he rounded out the gift bag with a very cool paddle ball, pink (her favorite color) with disney princesses on it, a water "puzzle" thing (way fun!) , twistables crayons and a beautiful glittery wand (with pink, of course!) complete with a really long streamer. Nathan was given a smaller, green bag with a couple rubber dinosaurs and a water maze of his own. Both children were thrilled! As I was buckling her into her car seat she looked at me and said, "My dentist must really like me!" ...Yeah, I kinda think he does She is currently planning her Thank You note, complete with picture of course!
He did tell me that every year he tries to choose a child that has been a great patient and gift them. He said there was no doubt about it that Lindsay was that patient for this year.
My next appointment is the 6th. I am nervous but not nearly so much as I was prior to my last appointment. Lindsay is very happy for me because I get to visit with her dentist :) I am happy for her, and most grateful to her dentist that she will grow up with good memories and no fear of dentists.

Archives #6

Saturday, September 10, 2005
West Coast Tsunami Warning
How Would Oregon Fare?
Back in June, as some of you may be aware we had a tsunami warning along the West Coast. We were listening to the scanner when it was first reported. It was interesting to watch and hear everything unfold.

Approximately 10 minutes after we heard it over the scanner, being announced to the authorities they got around to mentioning it on the local TV station. This was shortly after 8. The tsunami was expected to hit a certain area at 8:44. Around 8:30 we hear, on the scanner that the community up the road a piece had thought to contact FEMA for the low down. They were reporting back that the warning had been cancelled and we only needed to expect a small rise in the water level.
Somehow, word never got around to everyone else though...At 8:47 they announced, on the local TV station, that the tsunami would be hitting this area at 8:44.(Read that sentence again, I did not mix the two times up) About 8:55 we listened on the scanner as they evacuated a campground (this would've been 10 minutes after it had supposedly hit) We listened as they advised people to head for higher ground. No other instructions were given (re evacuation routes, etc) Remember, this is a tourist area, and this was during tourist season. We do have visitors who don't have a clue, including those campers. According to 911 the majority of calls they were recieving were from folks wondering if they were in an at risk area, where should they go and what should they do? This was from folks who live here! You can only imagine the confusion tourists, unfamiliar with the area were experiencing!
Then we listened as the normally very calm in all situations dispatcher began to get nervous (remember, she still doesn't know the whole thing has been called off). Their landline was now effectively disabled, overrun by phone calls. Police, both on and off duty were asking what they could do to help.
A bit of a problem, the main way in and out of town, the evacuation route, the Bridge, was BLOCKED! All the people who had been told to evacuate, in addition to the curious had flocked to the bridge which was now a mere parking lot. Folks in the area had decided the bridge, the evacuation route, would be the perfect place to park bumper to bumper and, with their wide eyed children in tow, take a gander as the expected tsunami came in.(and yes, there are signs, clearly marking the evacuation route) Others actually gathered up their children and headed for the waterfront to watch! A neighbor down the road a piece from us was in town, on the other side of the bridge, attending a ball game. She had this to say, "Wouldn't have been able to get home to our higher ground due to that jam up on the bridge. What a bunch of nuts, if there was a tsunami, the bridge would be one of the first things to go"
Must've been about 9:15 they finally announced on TV that the tsunami warning was over, details at 11. Shortly after 11 they announced on the news that the bouy had detected a 1 inch wave.

This scene was repeated in some variation or another all up and down the West Coast. Listening to all of it here we didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

I'm thinking, in case it would actually happen I am glad we have a scanner so we get the warning at least 10 minutes earlier than everyone else, our home is higher than sea level and we live on the other side of the bridge with instant access to a road leading to even higher ground.

Am also thinking a bit more training and community education may be in order, not to mention, as in the gulf coast, a little coordination between agencies?

Archives #5

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Good Neighbors
And now for the entry originally intended for yesterday. I realize the chances are more than slim that anyone from Canada will see this but, I thought some of you might like to know. .
Thank You Canada! The people of Canada have been more than generous this last week. They have been collecting funds practically since the moment Katrina hit. The Canadian Government has also stepped up to the plate. They have generously offered, and our Government, our President has accepted their pledge of assistance. Canada is sending their highly trained troops to assist in the rescue efforts on the Gulf Coast. They are sending ships and helicopters. They have offered medical assistance,water, lumber, tents,baby supplies and more. In addition Canada has offered a portion of their National disaster preparedness supply. They are going above and beyond what we could ever expect.
Thank You Canada! Once again, you are showing us that you are, indeed, the best neighbor any Country could ever hope to have.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005
There was a time, not so long ago that I enjoyed a good debate. I have since learned a few things. The biggest thing I learned was it is difficult to find someone capable of debating a subject without resorting to personal attack which, of course results in the natural human response, defense. Before we know it the "debate" has deteriorated to the point that it resembles little more than a verbal wrestling match, oftentimes to the point that the original topic is completely disregarded if not forgotten! In a way it is understandable, after all, unless you are in a classroom, with a subject and a side being assigned to you, chances are, all involved in the debate are feeling emotional about the subject at hand. Since I cannot see the wisdom in participating in something that seems destined to become "ugly" while accomplishing nothing, these days, I tend to bite my tongue. Yes, a retort is usually right there, just begging to be loosed but, if I stop, bite my tongue, count to 10 (or, if necessary 20), and ask myself if anything will change, if anyone's mind will be transformed by my words, I usually determine that nothing will be gained by opening my mouth and allowing my (oh so clever ;) )retort to have it's way. I do my best to not add to a controversy which seems to be doing a fine job of brewing and stewing all on it's own with no help from me whatsoever.
There are, in life, circumstances, and events which, whether we realize it or not, personally affects each and every one of us. Some are wonderfully exhilerating! Others are tragic, and then there are those which seem to serve as nothing more than to be controversial. Katrina and her aftermath, without question falls into the tragic category. Some, perhaps as a coping mechanism, seem to be attempting to place it in the controversial category, placing the blame for the aftermath on their favorite Political scapegoat. Democrats (and some Republicans) are blaming the President, Republicans are blaming the Democrats closest to the situation. Truth be told there's plenty of blame to be passed around, starting at the top, with the resident fellow in the White House, down to Fema and Homeland Security, on down the line to the local government and, in what I expect are rare cases, the residents themselves who chose not to leave, as opposed to those who really had no choice in the matter, due to finances, physical limitations and their employment as emergency personnel. I expect a lot of blame lies quite simply with lack of coordination and cooperation between agencies from the bottom to the top and everywhere in between. I seem to recall a verse that might apply here, something about a kingdom divided...
Yes, it would seem there were some mistakes made at the local level. One question I find myself asking is why were the flood waters rising around buses? Why were the buses there? Shouldn't they have been filled with potential victims and sped out of harms way? I am also aware there were instances in which the local government wanted to act but couldn't, their hands were tied by their higher ups, the federal government.
It is important to learn who all was to blame, for what and why. We need to know so lessons can be learned and mistakes won't be repeated..
We also need to have an understanding of where we stand should a catastrophy hit our area, whether it be from Nature's wrath, man's mistakes, a terrorist attack or what ever else you may dream up. If the situation in the Gulf coast is any indication it would seem the answer is, we're on our own.
While my family does what we can to assist the victims of Katrina. we are also considering what additional steps we should take to help ensure our survival should we one day become victims of Nature's fury. As was the case along the Gulf Coast there will be neighbors helping neighbors in any way possible. Naturally, those who are the most prepared will be able to reach a little further, help a little more. I hope everyone who witnessed this tragedy will be doing the same.

Archives #4

Friday, September 02, 2005
5 Days
As I was watching the news tonight I saw children speaking of their plight. One little boy, maybe 10 years of age, his words sounded like those of an old man, an old man seasoned by a lifetime of experience.
I know of a nurse, and have been getting updates from her since before the storm hit. She had to stay. She was the head trauma nurse at Charity hospital. They finally got cereal, pineapple and milk for themselves and their patients today. They were supposed to be evacuated yesterday but crowds and snipers prevented their rescue. Interestingly, the private hospital right across the street was evacuated in plenty of time...
People are dying, in need of medical assistance, food, water and shelter from the gangs.
Women and children, Children are being raped, not only on the streets but within the shelters.
Our President visited the area today. He told them to hang in there. Things would get better. Help is on the way. Just a bit more time...
An elderly woman sits on I-10 in the heat and humidity. She has no food to eat. She has no water to drink. Her husband lies, dead, at her feet. He ran out of time.
Somehow we can manage to get troops to Iraq in 24 hours time. As of tomorrow morning, when this is most likely to be read, it will have been 5 days for those victims in the path of Katrina and they are just now starting to get few measly trickles of assistance.

Archives #3

Thursday, August 25, 2005
We are in the process of attempting to sell a manufactured home we purchased several years ago back to the manufacturer, after which we will be able to proceed to purchase a new home from a local retailer. Yesterday we attempted to call someone in relation to the sale. Our newfangled phone we were talked into purchasing by a phone company salesman upon moving into this area, once again was not working correctly. Out came the trusty old red rotary dial phone. The kids, aged 6 and 8 hadn't seen this phone since they were toddlers so it was quite a novelty to them. As they watched in fascination, Daniel made a couple phone calls then came the waiting for a call back. We sat the red rotary phone on the floor near the desk and, as the kids were watching one of their shows on PBS, we went outside for a few, instructing the kids to let us know if the phone rang. They were happy to help out.
Maybe 15 minutes later we came back inside. As I opened the door and glanced inside I was greeted by a sight that caused me to break out into laughter. There was Lindsay, sitting on the couch, leaning over the arm intently gazing at the old red phone. A couple feet away was Nathan, on his hands and knees on the floor. He too was peering expectantly at the phone saying, over and over again, "Ring Phone! Ring! Ring!.. Ring Phone!.." A few minutes later both children were absolutely amazed when this strange object actually cut loose with a loud, clear ring! "What was that?" And when Daddy answered and started talking, "It works!"
There are some nice features about the old rotary phones. The current from the phone line itself is plenty to make it function so, if the power goes out you can still make those emergency calls. Once you have the phone plugged into the line you don't have to waste precious time looking it over, pushing various buttons with strange markings attempting to figure out how to make it dial out, or which button to push to answer the phone when it rings! You don't need to figure out how to set the phone into a cradle in just the right way so a little light flashes letting you know it will ring if someone calls your number. You don't have to move from room to room or perhaps outside then rotate your body and tilt your head in various positions in an attempt to find just the right reception, or any reception at all. You just plug it in dial and go. So what if I can't walk 20 feet away from the base while chatting! I'd rather not be able to than to have to in order to use the dang thing!
I'm thinking the best thing about the good old fashioned red rotary dial phones though, is the novelty. The curious and amazed expressions on the younger sets faces. They think it is a very strange object, no doubt from the dinosaur age their parents sprung from, and truly can't imagine these things were once actually commonplace! Whoever heard of a dial on a phone? Where are the buttons? Next I'm thinking we might want to pull out the old TV. A black and white one with a dial for switching channels. Wonder if we could find one of those plastic sheets to place over the screen to supposedly give the illusion you were viewing in color. What were those? From bottom to top, brown, green then blue? Little Joe and his family on Bonanza looked great on that thing! Then I can sit back and smile as the kids ask, "Where's the remote?" The perfect opportunity to introduce them to my Father's remote! See that dial? "Don't turn it so fast! You'll strip it!"

Archives # 2...Nathan's Birthday!

Sunday, August 07, 2005
Flying Pumpkins and Angry Turtles
Nathan wasn't feeling well the week of his Birthday so we put his Birthday
celebration off 'til this last week. It took several phone calls and a few
email messages but the Coast Guard, Air Division, after discussing it at a
meeting agreed to give us a tour for Nathan's Birthday. It was great! The
young woman who showed us a round, LT Cox, did a great job. She showed us her
emergency suit which they wear when they go out above the water and
explained how they work to protect them if they should have to bail out. She
also showed us her helmet, which she let Nathan try on. He said it was
heavy. Afterwards she took us out to see "the Flying Pumpkin", the rescue
helicopter. Both Nathan and Lindsay got to sit in the pilots seat where she
explained what all the buttons and levers did.Daniel even got to sit in the
pilots seat! I think he enjoyed it as much as the kids did. We then went
back inside through the hangar where we were able to see another copter
(identical) which was being worked on. It was quite interesting seeing the
same machine "undressed". As we were leaving, two fellows from the ORCA
division were in the lobby and said we were welcome to come by there for a
tour anytime. Great! Big Boat! Sounds like a future Birthday event to me!

I usually make the cakes but wanted to do a helicopter theme cake for his Birthday this time and
couldn't think of a way to pull it off so we let Albertson's take care of
the cake this year. They did a fine job with it. It was a photo cake with a
photo of a helicopter on a blue background. Nathan was quite pleased with
Among Nathan's gifts was some Ninja Turtle clothing. Since the vast majority of the kids television viewing is limited to OPB he's never seen the Ninja Turtles. He looked at them a minute, smiled and, holding up the colorful top turned to Lindsay and said, "Angry Turtles! " He really llikes the angry turtles. Perhaps, in some way they remind him of "RedWall"?

Thursday, July 28, 2005
8 years old today! Since I don't have any current pics in my system right now I will post his very first story, written a few weeks ago in honor of his day.
Brass was a beetle who had black wings and was two stories high. One day he was looking for roses to eat. He was looking deep into the forest. Suddenly, he came upon an old old city. There was moss covering every building and there were no people. Suddenly, Brass found what he was looking for, sweet smelling red roses. Then he found a deep twisty hole under the rose bush. So he ate a rose. Then a ghost came out of the hole! Then Brass spit the petals out! Then he ran into one of the buildings! So the ghost raced after him! Then the ghost was right beside him. The ghost said, "Boo!" Then Brass smashed into a wall and it broke to bits. Then brass said, "Ouch!" So the ghost said, "Boo!" Brass turned around, went through the doorway, ran through the forest and all the way home. He never ever went back again. He lived happily ever after.

The end.

Archives #1

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The kids and I worked in the garden for a good hour this morning. After last years fiasco I'm just thrilled with how it's doing this year! Ever known anyone who actually had problems growing zucchini? Finally, after 3 years of disappointment it looks like we may actually have some happy healthy zucchini plants. Of course, if it actually makes it and produces the mass amounts everyone else complains about getting we'll be forced to acquire a food processor so I can make relish.
The kids got to pull their first carrots of the year today. They're excited about consuming them with dinner tonight. I'm looking forward to when the remaining carrots get even bigger so I can start grating them for use in other dishes. Just love meatloaf with plenty of carrot grated into it!
Ever had green beans straight from the garden? I have to wonder what they do to those we get from the store. The only resemblence is the shape! Those from the garden are so good! So sweet! Almost like eating dessert! We yanked the peas that had finished producing the other day and planted green beans in their place. I'm so anxious to see them pop up so I can start anticipating the sweet addition to our dinner table once again.
I never liked the heat of Summer but the delights we harvest from the garden, with some assistance from the summer sun makes dealing with the heat almost bearable!

Monday, July 25, 2005
Happy Birthday to Kimmi! My talented, funny and loved by many, including her little brother and sister, 25 year old daughter.