Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pondering a Disaster

New Orleans is sinking. She's a city built on property that has been sinking, probably since before she came into existence. I wonder if this "event" may have hastened the rate of the sinking.

I'm also wondering if it could be a possibility that New Orleans could become a memory? I can't imagine any of the homes or businesses left standing would be repairable, not with that "soup" swirling around them, seeping through the walls, rising higher...I realize there's a lot of history there and people are resilient and determined to rebuild their lives, reclaim what was lost to them, but at what point do you decide the rebuilding should be done elsewhere?

It seems New Orleans is a perfect example of what happens when we go too far in our efforts to manipulate nature. Question is, will "they" consider this a very hard lesson learned and move on to a more naturally habitable area?

It just breaks my heart seeing the images, hearing the stories of loss and heartache, the Family who lost a wife and Mama, the little girl watching the news reports of her home's destruction, the dead being passed by, shoved off to the side in hopes that at least some of them might be recovered at a later date. Knowing the news isn't going to get better. It is beyond my comprehension. This is happening in the US? It just doesn't seem possible. Yet, it is. All because we figured we could outsmart the greatest force on earth, Mother Nature, and as always seems to happen, she bit back.

Will we ever learn?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

A Tiger In Your Tank ?

I always liked those commercials. As a child it reminded me of another favorite, Tony the Tiger. That was back when the commercials were almost as much fun as the shows they were supporting! It was also when the idea of packing everyone up and going for a Sunday drive seemed a good and affordable Family outing. When a weekend trip to the beach meant spending more for a nice room than for the gas to get there.

Now I'll admit it's been awhile. If you remember this tiger you know it dates me. This was prior to the gas prices inching up until the service stations were forced to scramble to add a digit to their meters. Remember when they were called Service Stations? When you actually received service beyond someone sticking a nozzle in your vehicle, taking your money and, perhaps, muttering a Thank You as they walked away? But I digress...

Recently, I stopped by a BB I used to frequent on a daily basis. I enjoy going back there occasionally to see what's up with my old friends. A gal had posted how she looks for the silver lining, gets creative and finds ways to benefit from the setbacks life throws her. So far so good. I can relate to that. She then went on to say she sees a huge benefit to the current fuel situation. Everyone is trading their SUVs in for more fuel efficient models. She proudly announces she's going to make the most of the situation by "trading up", taking advantage of the great deals to be found. She wants to know if anyone else is getting creative and taking advantage of this great opportunity.

I usually try to be creative and make the best of things, but I also take great pleasure out of being frugal so, no, you won't see me taking advantage of the "deals" on the gas guzzlers. I'm still having a hard time figuring out when and why we got away from the fuel efficient vehicles after the last "crisis", back when the consumer's price per gallon went in to the triple digits. I can remember going to visit a friend who proudly showed off his vehicle that got better than 40 MPG. I wasn't the only one that coveted that vehicle..

Now, I do realize there are situations where a smaller, more fuel efficient vehicle may not be an option for some, those with large families who , no matter how they shoved and squeezed could never manage to get all those car seats and booster seats into a "beetle". Then there are those who really do need some cargo space for long trips, for toting large instruments or tools of the trade. Not all of us fall into that category though. If I were to hazard a guess it would be that the majority of those who own, or are contemplating purchasing one of these vehicles do not have any of these requirements to fulfill.

With virtually every aspect of retail consumption being impacted by fuel prices I have to wonder how it is affecting our Dentist, Our Optometrist, Our Dr. I find myself hoping they are not inclined to take advantage of the great gas guzzler deals and perhaps passing the cost of the fuel on to their customers.

I am daring to hope that the current fuel situation will make more people, especially those in a position to do something about it, seriously consider alternate energy sources. I would love to see a tax break for folks who took the economically and ecologically responsible action of setting themselves up with the viable alternate solutions for their area.

I have to wonder, whatever happened to frugality? When did "Moderation in all things" fall by the wayside? Will these virtues make a comeback? Could this be "the silver lining" that emerges from this situation?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Heaven Sent?

I really can't think of anything exciting, interesting or entertaining to post so thought I would share a past event...

Several years ago Daniel and I went out and bought a wheelbarrow. The next day he left for work. I got all my household chores done and decided to surprise him by putting the wheelbarrow together. How difficult could it be? Right? Ha! I managed to get most everything together then came the legs. I fought and fought with those things! I could get one end on but the other just wouldn't slide, scrunch or anything else into place! Aargh! I finally sat it down and, in desperation said "I need a man!!" I then looked up and I know my jaw must've dropped just about to the ground. There, coming up our drive was a magnificent looking young man! I couldn't believe it! Like an angel sent from above! He laughed and asked if he had scared me. I said no and asked him, "Are you feeling strong?" (he certainly looked strong!) He looked a bit confused but replied yeah, he guessed so, why? I then told him I needed help with the wheelbarrow. He sat right down and got it fixed for me. It was then that it occured to me that perhaps that wasn't the reason he was there after all and inquired as to his presence. He and his girlfriend had been wondering about the unfinished building next door and were wondering who it belonged to and if they could get a tour as they were college students out of Washington and were looking for a place to film a movie of some sort. I apologized for putting him to work and had him go get his girlfriend, offering them a beer for their trouble in addition to providing them with the info they were after :)

Friday, August 12, 2005

Doe a Deer

The last couple years we've had a visitor to our yard, a Doe the kids have dubbed, Walter. Last year she brought her two fawns along. They happily munched on the clover, the young blackberry shoots, etc. Last month Walter came back to visit. Currently another doe, we'll just assume it's one of Walter's fawns all grown up is back. She has happily nibbling on the clover. At one point she squatted, just like a dog and relieved herself! Do Deer really do that? Perhaps this deer has been watching a neighbors dog? Or one of our cats...

One more thing to appreciate about summer, the parade of wildlife outside our living room window :)

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A Nation Rocked to Sleep

A Nation Rocked to sleep

by Carly Sheehan
Brother Casey KIA 04/04/04
Sadr City Baghdad

Have you ever heard the sound of a mother screaming for her son?
The torrential rains of a mother's weeping will never be done
They call him a hero, you should be glad that he's one, but
Have you ever heard the sound of a mother screaming for her son?

Have you ever heard the sound of a father holding back his cries?
He must be brave because his boy died for another man's lies
The only grief he allows himself are long, deep sighs
Have you ever heard the sound of a father holding back his cries?

Have you ever heard the sound of taps played at your brother's grave?
They say that he died so that the flag will continue to wave
But I believe he died because they had oil to save
Have you ever heard the sound of taps played at your brother's grave?

Have you ever heard the sound of a nation being rocked to sleep?
The leaders want to keep you numb so the pain won't be so deep
But if we the people let them continue another mother will weep
Have you ever heard the sound of a nation being rocked to sleep?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tweety Unplugged

I'm sure most of you remember Tweety and Sylvester. That comic duo who somehow managed to coexist in spite of Sylvester's insatiable appetite for feathers and Tweety's talent for getting out of sticky situations, or at times merely amusing himself by pulling pranks on an incredibly unsuspecting cat.

This morning I was sitting outside, breathing in the fresh air as I enjoyed the many sights and sounds of birds and squirrels, butterflies, bees and of course the cats, in various stages of feralness (is that a word?) we inherited when acquiring our home in the country 3 years ago. Daniel, my husband came out and fed the cats as he does every morning. The kittens and their mama had their fill followed by the other two adult cats. When only one cat, dubbed Sweety by the kids, remained, finishing his breakfast I heard what I thought was a kitten, "mewing" near his general location. The "mew" then moved, sounding a bit distressed, but only one mew. It also sounded like it was coming from a tree, just a bit further away from the cat's food dish. It then moved again, one solitary mournful "mew". I looked up, searching the trees for a kitten in distress but only saw a Blue Jay, which was in the process of flitting from one tree to another a bit closer to me. Another mew and another, still closer to me until I saw the bird fly into the fir tree nearest me and heard the "mew" again. The "mew" was coming from the Blue Jay!

Sweety has been rather distressed the last few weeks as his best buddy had passed on and he has just recently struck up a friendship with the kittens. As I watched and listened the Blue Jay let out another "mew" and here came Sweety. He came nearer us, maybe 50 feet from the food dish and in the Blue Jays line of vision. He sat there, looking around and started meowing his, "Where's my friend?" meow. At this point the Blue Jay made a beeline for the food dish where he was joined by another Blue Jay.

I'm giving it an hour before Sweety starts complaining to us that he's hungry....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

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