Friday, August 12, 2005

Doe a Deer

The last couple years we've had a visitor to our yard, a Doe the kids have dubbed, Walter. Last year she brought her two fawns along. They happily munched on the clover, the young blackberry shoots, etc. Last month Walter came back to visit. Currently another doe, we'll just assume it's one of Walter's fawns all grown up is back. She has happily nibbling on the clover. At one point she squatted, just like a dog and relieved herself! Do Deer really do that? Perhaps this deer has been watching a neighbors dog? Or one of our cats...

One more thing to appreciate about summer, the parade of wildlife outside our living room window :)


Amanda said...

thank you for visiting Upheaval!

i've never seen a deer, or any other wild animal for that matter, pee like a dog. squatting though, right, not lifting the leg??? that would be TOO weird.

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Yes! She was squatting down on those huge powerful haunches, peeing just like a dog! I believe that is the strangest thing I've ever seen in nature!

Really wish I could've gotten a picture!